Fab Experience 2022

What is Fab Experience?

In the Fab Experience activities developed by Lab Aberto Fab Lab, the mentors accompany the participants and teach small excerpts of content and techniques that will help them to develop a project of their choice, in the chosen thematic area, and to practice, implement and integrate a set of techniques within the scope of this theme, in their personal and/or professional context.

This activity is carried out over several days, interspersed, usually on weekends, or occasionally on a few days of the week.

The sessions are developed over a few hours (no more than 3h per session), and are mostly carried out remotely via videoconference, with one or two final face-to-face sessions, respectively, for the preparation and final presentation of the projects.

The sessions follow a model of collective and collaborative participation, with several participants and their mentor(s). In some cases there may be individualized sessions to resolve technical difficulties.

The schedule for the Fab Experience 2022 sessions, “Stop Motion Animation Cinema” and “IoT – Internet of Things”, will be as follows*:

*This completes the 15 hours of training provided for certification.

Fab Experience #1

Stop Motion Animation Cinema 

Activity: Starting with an illustration, build and animate cutout characters with a volumetric backdrop. Video and sound editing of the project to be presented.

Description: The objective is for the participants to compose and direct a short film, using Stop Motion Animation techniques using the cell phone and everyday materials. The results of this Fab Experience will be presented with the projection of videos in the BICLA project, a project for the production of electric energy using bicycles, so that it is possible to present an open-air cinema (Partnership between Lab Aberto Fab Lab and ATV from Torres Vedras).

Previous editions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzslrUWSk9A 

Maximum number of participants: 10

Mentor: Francisco Lança, Arte Estúdio Imaginário

Francisco Lança


Aditional resources:

Arte Estúdio Imaginário
Arte Estudio Imaginário

Created in December 2015, AEI was dedicated to a wide range of activities that resulted in more than 50 different events. In 2018, it was decided to focus efforts on a specific area, Animation Cinema. Hence, the three most relevant projects that were developed in 2019 were born:

– Animation Cinema in the AEC.

– Animated cinema and the Professional Multimedia Course, training for students and teachers at Escola Secundária José Saramago.

– ANIMUS 1st animation film festival in Mafra, with a strong pedagogical component, masterclasses, exhibition, workshops and awards for young directors.

Today, AEI produces, disseminates and teaches Animation Cinema.

Arte Estúdio Imaginário (Instagram)

Arte Estúdio Imaginário (Facebook)

About Arte Estúdio Imaginário (YouTube)

Fab Experience #2

IoT – Internet of Things

Activity: Build an IoT platform for persistence and data analysis based on influx DB and Grafana.

Description: The objective is for the participants to carry out and finish a small IoT-based project with the help of the mentor. We are going to build an IoT (Internet-of-Things) platform for persistence and data analysis based on influx DB and Grafana. As an implementation example, we will build a humidity and ambient temperature sensor, based on ESP8266.

Required material : Kit para desenvolvimento e iniciação em electrónica – especial Movimento Maker IoT com NodeMcu ESP8266 (V2)

Maximum participants: 10

Mentor: Bruno Horta, Movimento Maker Portugal

Bruno Horta


Aditional resources:


